Basis North America Inc. is an Independent Service Agency established in Texas in 2017. It is part of the BasisGroup holding company that includes companies such as Basis Plant Services S.r.l operating worldwide since 1995 in the Oil & Gas and Power Generation sectors and providing Technical Services to OEMs, EPC, O&G companies, industrial and power plants.
The Basis North America Inc. team gained experience in the field working on international projects throughout the world. Its people work with the end customer using innovative tools and methods according to high quality standards.
Basis Plant Services S.r.l.
Basis Plant Services, a member of BasisGroup, is an Independent Service Provider with 20 years of experience and over 100 full-time employees offering Technical Services and Quality Inspections to owners and operators of rotary equipment manufactured by major OEMs in the Oil & Gas and Power Generation sectors.
Basis North America Inc is a member of
BasisGroup SpA.
Click here to find out more about BasisGroup companies and services.
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